<div id="header"><h1>Example Story</h1>
<br><h6>by VerbSalad</h6></div>
One day, my mother asked me to go to the store and get milk. Once she left my doorway, I let out a groan. I was in the middle of a dungeon in my MMO, but I had no choice, so I apologized to my party, turned off my PC, and put on my shoes.
Outside, it looked like it was going to rain. Dark clouds blanketed the sky, dimming the street. I looked either way, trying to remember which way I needed to go to get to the store. We'd recently moved to this neighborhood, and I was still not quite sure of the route.
(set: $wrongturn to 0)(set: $wentleft to 0)
[[ Go Left | Untitled Passage 1]]
[[ Go Right | Untitled Passage 2]]<div id="header"><h1>Example Story</h1>
<br><h6>by VerbSalad</h6></div>
I took a right turn, and soon, I found myself on an somewhat familiar street. Feeling more confident, I walked until I reached another intersection, then looked around, still not entirely clear on which way I should go.
(set: $turnedleft to 1)
(if: $wrongturn > 0 and $turnedleft > 0)[[ Go Right | Untitled Passage 3 ]](if: $wrongturn < 2 and $turnedleft < 2)[[ Go Left | Untitled Passage 4 ]]<div id="header"><h1>Example Story</h1>
<br><h6>by VerbSalad</h6></div>
I took a right turn, and soon, I found myself on an unfamiliar street. //Did I go the right way?// Unsure, I walked until I reached another intersection, then looked around, still unclear on which way I should go.
(set: $wrongturn to $wrongturn + 1)
(if: $wrongturn < 2 and $turnedleft < 2)[[ Go Left | Untitled Passage 3 ]]
(if: $wrongturn > 0 and $turnedleft > 0)[[ Go Right | Untitled Passage 4 ]]<div id="header"><h1>Example Story</h1>
<br><h6>by VerbSalad</h6></div>
I take the turn, but when I look around me, I no longer recognize //any// of my surroundings. Frustrated, I sit down on the concrete, tears gathering in my eyes. My mother is going to be so angry with me.
— //Game Over// —
[[ Replay? |Untitled Passage]]<div id="header"><h1>Example Story</h1>
<br><h6>by VerbSalad</h6></div>
As I turn the corner, I see the store. Rushing inside, I grab the milk my mother wanted, and within moments, I'm out the door, rushing back down the street towards home.
When I enter our house, my mother kisses me on the forehead and takes the milk. Free to return to my game, I find that my party is still waiting on a healer to replace me, and we're able to finish the dungeon together.
— //Game Over// —
[[ Replay? |Untitled Passage]]